
Showing posts from April, 2015

Friends with Benefits, Pleased to Meet You

Friends with Benefits, Pleased to Meet YOU Reality TV is pervasive now days, recently a new series has come to the foray… you guessed it ‘Neighbor’s with Benefits’ following several married couples in suburban Ohio as they swapped partners.  Sorry to say, as of this writing A&E has discontinued the series after only 2 episodes. Okay, I have to find the remaining seven episodes if only to see how they treat the subject matter. I read a study, posted to the Journal Archives of Sexual Behavior in 2013, by researcher Peter Jonason of the University of Western Sydney, that focused on defining booty call, one-night stands, friends-with-benefits arrangements and other   casual sex   relationships "There is such a range of relationships, and we tend to be loose in the terms we use to define and describe them,"  (Pappas, 2015) Jonason said. Jonason wanted to provide definitions that offered insight into the functions of each of these relationships. Each participan...

More Kernals

Don’t take this the wrong way but(s)…set me off and put me on edge.  I know, something that’s going to “irk” me, is about to be said; steal a quick breath unnoticed- hold it then wait! Why do poly people re-act with suspicion or outright disdain and derision over “my feelings? Is it because they cannot understand from a logical standpoint or are they reacting with their own emotional response and therefore need to look with-in themselves? It is just my luck to find every relationship anarchist possible.  I’m sorry, even when one lives without rules or established boundaries; allowing others to act on their own conscious in their parings you have just made a rule. Living in one or the other realm has its own naturally occurring rules and  parameters . I don’t have to be best friends with my metas. I just have to find a way to be okay with them.  Don’t they have family and friends to support and fill their emotional vaults? They need me to do that as well...