Timing is Everything

Its been a hot minute since I last blogged about anything. I've taken a lot of time off, to take care of myself in this long journey of opening up our relationship. Things certainly don't go the way we want them to and that's okay but for someone who is OCD, among other things, its crippling.  

I feel like I'm  ready to blog again !  That's probably due to having a good therapist, and better communication with Polybird!
How is that going you might ask? well, it like this- Polybird  basically has two mono-amorous relationships at this time. He is as they say the hinge of a V. So far so good and baby steps for me. We are endeavoring to write a primer for Mono+Poly Relationships from three different perspectives
    New to Poly Meta Mono
    Old Sho' Me Mono
We are in the process of building material for the book, most of which comes from personal experience.  I still don't feel like poly folx can accept or even attempt to understand why those of us that are not poly just won't convert; so to speak! oh well that an seminar for another day. 

We're off to Atlanta Poly Weekend soon . I'll let you know if I find any thing for Hot Topics.


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