Never Are We Broke
The Advantages of a Poly/Mono
For those who need simple but powerful reassurance.  Thanks to the following individuals:
Elise, Tom, Jen, Gwen, Nattydreadsista, and lastly Polybird

·         More amenable (M)
·         More attentive (M) Polys get to be their real self.  In doing so they will feel more supported and will want to reciprocate and provide for their mono partner’s needs (P) and become more affectionate as a result(M)
·         Often find you will do more together (M)
·         You must live in the hear and now /present (M)
·        You Must accept the truth (P/M)
·         You must consider others in the relationship (P/M)
·        You must work together, through compromise (M/P)
·         Potentially can provide more friends (P/M)
·         Provides bonding through problem solving (M)
·         Provides shared development of character (M)
·         Provides development of humor unique to the couple (M)
·         Provides expansion of social circles, social groups and activities. (M)
·         Provides opportunities and challenges to strengthen life-mate bonds (M)
·         Poly halves are happier being who they are (P)
·         Provides opportunities to gain new knowledge (M)
·         Provides opportunities to develop support systems and resources (P)
·         Provides opportunities to develop/build a support system with metamours (M)
·         Removes lying(P)
·         Removes cheating(P)
·         Remain in a relationship with someone whom you love and who loves you back (P/M) Each individual is loved for who they are (P) The good stuff only comes when each person is able to look at the larger picture of what it is to have a mono/poly partner and genuinely value and love that aspect of your partner. To be able to understand how they experience the world around them, thus permeating every aspect of their person making them who they are.(M)
·         May be able to develop the ability to connect at a deeper level with poly friends of your partner especially if you’re are working on being open minded. (P)
·         Mono’s do not have to be the sole emotional support of their partners (P) Partners do not have to feel guilty that they don’t want to rely on Mono’s to such an extensive degree (P)
·         It is a benefit for some individual to support their poly partner’s sexuality especially in instances of mismatched libidos and unmet needs for exploration. Suppression of desires and feelings often lead to negative behaviors (i.e. arguing, communication breakdowns) (P)
·         M have the freedom to explore and build relationships with other past the point of (flirty, emotional, physical) that normally in a monoamorous arrangement would not be considered (P)
·         The potential exist that potential friendships can develop with in the newly extended family (P)
·         Provides time to learn to be comfortable being alone or by yourself (M/P)
·         Provides opportunities for couples to structure relationships which work for them in which they can grow, expand boundaries and learn to love in different ways. (P)
·        Creates time to learn better self-introspection and communication skills (P)
·        Provides more honesty
·        Provides more sharing  of home life

I hope you see this as a blessing and source of hope.

P= Poly statement   M= Monogamous statement


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